The Eel Hunt
Jennifer & Margery are sisters who grew up on their family farm in the Hawkes Bay, NZ during the 1970's. Tales from the Farm is the result of their collaboration with 7 books so far, all as equally funny, entertaining & historical as each other!
WRITTEN BY: Jennifer Somervell is an award-winning author from NZ.
ILLUSTRATED BY: Margery Fern is an award-winning illustrator from NZ.
AGES: 4+
It's summer in the '70s and an idea is hatched to go eel hunting on the Manawatu River. With home-made spears, under the cloak of darkness, the intrepid eelers set off. But everything does not go according to plan.
* During the 60's & 70's eels were abundant in NZ but now, sadly, the Longfin Eel is now threatened and needs our protection. The Longfin is only found in NZ.
Purple Dragonfly Awards 2015
First Place in Cultural Diversity
First Place in Best Cover Design and Interior Design